Mark Hamilton talks about new Neothink Society members leaving behind a world of steady loss and enter the Twelve Visions World of steady fulfillment.

10 Responses

  1. Thank you Mark Hamilton for creating The Twelve Visions Party & the steady fulfillment that will come from that; it will help each of us to achieve this goal, if we all work at it, no matter how long it takes

  2. Very true Mr. Hamilton I have left my steady loss behind and I am moving
    forward with my new integrated mentality. It’s so wonderful to see for myself
    all that you predicted on the letters you sent me coming true before my eyes.
    As I see the changes I feel the changes also in my mind and heart and Pure
    Love and Honesty and Peace of Mind takes over. Can’t ask for anything more.
    THANK YOU Mr. Hamilton I don’t know what to say to you as I’ve said it
    many times before except I Love You with all my heart forever!!!

  3. The steady lost of this anti-civilization has ruled this earth for such a long period of time, we have suffered in silence fraustration with this bogus livelihood of neocheaters. Mark Hamilton and the twelve visions party together with neothink society is in full swing, to implement the prime literature that can lead us to live the life we were meant to live. Then the steady fulfilment will have the chance to flow.

  4. As I made the Progress so far, I no longer want to look back, but to move Forward. Its Automatic, Instinctive.

  5. We’ve a choice in this country…either sit back participating in a world of steady loss – or step forward and be part of a world of steadily growing fulfillment, rich with our freedoms and value creations of, for, and by every individual for the peaceful benefit of every state in our land. Let’s ring in a Twelve Visions World. Mark Hamilton, I let no man do my judging for me – I’ve examined for myself; your Neothink Society members…future Twelve Visions Party government candidates…will have my vote. Liz Szarka, NY

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